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Urban planning  and design

Housing and  community studies



Doctor of  Philosophy, Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of  York, UK, 1991

Bachelor in  Architecture, Department of Architecture, Tianjin University, 1985



Post-graduate  research fellow, lecturer (04/1992-1994) School of Architecture,  Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Associated  professor (1994-1999) School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  Beijing, China

Professor  (1999 to present) School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing,  China



Harvard  University GSD funded Tsinghua-Harvard Research Project: Modern urban  housing in China: 1840 to 2000. (1997-2000)

Ministry of  Construction of PRC funded research project: “Conservation Planning  Guidance for Small Town and Villages of Historic Importance”, 2007-2008

Ministry of  Construction of PRC funded research project: “Conservation Planning  Management for Small Towns and Villages of Historic Importance”,  2007-2008

2000,  Conservation Planning for Nanlouguxiang and Guozijian key historic areas  in the old

City of  Beijing, commissioned by the Planning Commission of Beijing Municipal  Government

2002-2004,  Nanjing City-wall Environmental Enhancement and Landscape Planning and  Design

2007, Urban  Design Master Plan for the Extension of the Daming Lake and its  Surrounding Areas in Jinan City

2007-2008,  Heritage conservation plan for Sanfangqixiang area in Fuzhou




Housing and  community planning and design (90 students in autumn)


Modern housing  (50 students in autumn)

Urban  redevelopment and conservation (40 students in autumn)

Urban  sociology (20 students in spring)

Tsinghua-MIT  joint Beijing Urban Design Studio (30 students in summer)



First Prize of  Planning and Design for key Urban Sites, Construction Commission of  Shandong Provincial Government (1998)

Design and  Planning Excellence of Beijing Municipal Planning Commission (2001)

First Prize of  Planning and Design for Key Urban Sites, Construction Commission of  Shandong Provincial Government (2004)

Third Prize  for Excellent Planning and Design, Ministry of Construction, P.R.China  (2005)

First Prize of  Excellent Planning and Design, Construction Commission of Shandong  Provincial Government (2006)

Third Prize  for Excellent Planning and Design, Jiangsu Provincial Government (2006)



Social organization

1999- , member  of Experts Committee of Beijing Municipal Planning Commission

2000- , deputy  director of the Urban Conservation Academic Committee, China Urban  Planning Society

2001- , member  of the Urban Design Academic Committee, China Urban Planning Society

2003- ,  planning consultant of Jinan Municipal Government

2003- ,  planning consultant of Chengde Municipal Government

2007-2008,  Member of Scientific Committee for “World Congress of International  Society of City and Region Planners (ISOCARP), 2008, Beijing”

2007- ,  Regional editor of Journal of Architects, UK



Journal papers

Conservation  and Redevelopment:

1.   "A Conservation Study on  Guozijian Historic Area in Beijing", Norway,1996,"Renewal and  Development in Housing Areas of Traditional Chinese and European Cities"  international conference, proceedings

2.   "Small Scale  Redevelopment-an alternative approach to China's historic cities", Urban  Planning, Beijing, 1996.04

3.   "Community Based Small  Scale Redevelopment for Historic Areas-a sustainable approach" Urban  Planning Forum, Shanghai, 1999, 03

4.   “The Regeneration of  London’s Dockland”, Urban Planning, Beijing, 2000,02

5.   “The Contradiction of the  Current Conservation and Redevelopment in Beijing”, Urban Planning,  Beijing, 2002, 02

6.   “ Turn the Edge into a  Centre” Architectural Journal, Beijing, 2004,11

7.   “Eine kritische  Betrachtung der Erhaltung und Sanierung der Stadt Peking”, in  Totalstadt-Beijing Case, Verlag dwe Buchhandlung Walrther Konig,2006

8.   “Preservation of Guozijian  Area Today and Beyond”, in Beijing and Beijing, a critical dialogue,  UNESCO social sustainability in historic cities project, Beijing Shiyi  Printing Co., Ltd., 2007.5

9.   “Guozijian”, Beijing  Planning Reviewing, Beijing, 2007, 08, 147

10.“A Systematic Approach to  Settlement Heritages and Cultural Landscape Conservation in China”, in  Urban and Regional Planning, Vol.1, Shangwu Publishing House, Beijing,  2008, 7-23

11.“Conservation Legislation  and Management in Britain”, in Beijing Planning Reviewing, Beijing,  2008, Vol. 5, 160-164

Urban planning  and design theories

1.   "A Theoretical Framework  for China's Urban Developments", Globalization and its Impacts on  Chinese and Swedish Societies, FRN, Swedish Council for Planning and  Coordination of Research, Report 2000'1, pp.206-230

2. “Modular Control over  Beijing’s Ancient City Design”, World Architecture, Beijing, 2002, 02.

3.    “From Heroic Urbanism to  Daily Places”, Urban Planning, Beijing, 2003, 09

4.   “Modular Control over the  Imperial Gardens in Beijing’s West Suburbs”, World Architecture,  Beijing, 2004,11

5.   “Searching for New  Typologies to Weave the City”, Urban Planning, Beijing, 2004, 12.

6.   “Urban Design Methods for  China’s Traditional Cultural Landscape Protection”, Ideal Space,  Shanghai, 2006, 15


1.   "Neighborhood Economy and  Urban Renewal in Beijing", Xi'an, 1995. "Renewal and Development in  Housing Areas of Traditional Chinese and European Cities" international  conference, proceedings

2.   "Informal Construction in  Beijing's Old Neighborhoods", in Cities (SSCI, ISSN 0264-2751), Oxford,  UK, 1997, Vol. 14, No.2

3.   "Housing Design in  Communist China-1949-1987", Architectural Journal, Beijing, 1999, 06

4.     "Private Housing  Development in Quanzhou", in Urban Planning, Beijing, 2001, 02

5.   "Housing Condition in the  Post-industrial Britain", World Architecture, Beijing, 2000, 05

6.   "A Weaving Strategy for  China’s Residential Development", Times Architecture, Shanghai, 2006, 03

7.   "The Future of China’s  Urban Housing Development-learn from the history", in Community Design,  Beijing, 2007, 05, 28-32

8.   "A Review of Urban Housing  standard in the West", World Architecture, 2008,2, 16-20

Selected conference proceedings

1. "Housing Quality, Social  Economic Conditions in Nanlouguxiang Neighborhood", Guangzhou, 1996,  CIDA funded Asia Urban Research Network "International Workshop on Inner  City Development'

2.   "Can the Centre be Livable  for Local Communities", keynote speech on Edgecity2 international  conference, Melbourne, April, 2001

3.    "China’s Urbanism Since  the Reform", International Conference on "Philip Paul Cret, Beaux Art  and Modern Architecture in China", 3-5 Oct. 2003, University of  Pennsylvania

4.    Kenote speech, "Water  front regneration-the case of out-city Qinhuai River bank areas",  China-UK Urban Regeneration Forum, Beijing,11-12,01,2006

5.   "Waterfront Remaking-three  cases along the Out-city Qinhuai River bank areas", "25 years of the  physical and social transformation in Chinese cities", International  Conference, NUS, Singapore, March 8-10, 2007

6.   "Out of the Whirlpool",  Conservation of Ancient Capitals in Asia, Tokyo, December 3-4, 2006.  Reprinted in Beijing Planning Reviewing, Beijing, 2007, 05, 145-48


1.    Co-author, Modern Urban  Housing in China: 1840-2000, Prestel, 2001

2.    Co-editor, Forty Years of  Urban Planning and Development in France, She hui ke xue wen xian  Publish House, Beijing, 2007

3.   Chief Editor, Town and  Village Community Planning and Design, China Agricultural Publish House,  Beijing, 2007

4.   Editor, City, Cultural  Series: Chinese translation of contemporary thoughts on architecture and  urbanism in the West, 2001, Huaxia Publishing House, Beijing. The series  consist of three volumes: (1) K. Lynch, The Image of the City, (2) K.  Lynch, Good City Form, (3) K. Harries, The Ethical Function of  Architecture

5.     Co-editor, Tsinghua-MIT  20Years of Students’ Work, Tsinghua University Press, 2009

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